Featured Events
Upcoming events.

Sound x Color
Experience Life in Full Color presented by Smurf, Crykit and M.P. Art and special guests Ethos and Teenwolf starting at 5pm.

Homecoming Fridays
Homecoming Fridays with sounds from the early 2000’s starting at 10pm.

Love Hangover
For the love of House Music! Party starts at 5pm in partnership with Mac Agency.

Homecoming Fridays
Homecoming Fridays with sounds from the early 2000’s starting at 10pm.

Let’s Be Friends
One Nation Under a Vibe. The Nation’s Premier bicoastal party. Featuring MDOTCOOP | TIM TONES | PDOT | CC ELISE | KRJ starting at 3pm on Sunday, June 12.

UFC 275 Viewing Party
Watch UFC 275 at Money, Baby! starting at 7pm and then stay for the party with sounds by Lucky Liam.

Homecoming Fridays
Homecoming Fridays with sounds from the early 2000’s by Nova starting at 10pm.

Paradise Fever
Follow the Call of the Disco Ball. Presented by Neek Lopez with MC: M.P. Art. Starts at 3pm.

Homecoming Fridays
Homecoming Fridays with sounds from the early 2000’s by Nova starting at 10pm.

Sound x Color
Experience Life in Full Color presented by Smurf, Crykit and M.P. Art starting at 3pm.

Let’s Be Friends x KRJ Capsules
One Nation Under a Vibe. The Nation’s Premier bicoastal party. Featuring MDOTCOOP | TIM TONES | PDOT | CC ELISE | KRJ starting at 3pm on Sunday, May 22.

Kentucky Derby Party
Celebrate and watch the Kentucky Derby with a party at Money, Baby!